
Sunday, May 4, 2008


UK-Odd Summary (Reuters)

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"I hate veggies," my son purchase wholesale fos supplement tell me. The only ones they are French fries with ketchup. The occasional salad and maybe some corn and they think that's good enough. I was worried about buy wholesale ascorbic acid online overall health especially my husband after a bone density test showed he was off the chart on the high risk. He's only 40-years-old and aging more like a 55-year-old man.

Why veggies help keep us healthy? Because they have vitamins, mineral, antioxidants and other nutrients a body needs to process food. They are a good source of co-factors. Co-factors are crucial for absorbing nutrition from food, giving fuel for energy, diminishing stress and helping us age gracefully, something my husband needs now. Did you know by not eating veggies you get constipated and have bad breath? The meat and dairy proteins we eat need the co-factors from veggies to break these proteins. Poorly processed proteins clog us up and cause leaky gut - holes in the intestines that bacteria make. A leaky gut allows foreign substances to pass into our bloodstream and make their way to our joints. The result buy wholesale BCAA amino acids inflammation and joint pain. Our immune system will misfire, causing our skin to break out with acne, lesions and scabs. Sometimes what leaks though causes toxic growths and arterial plaque. Soon disease emerge, like allergies, acne, osteoporosis, lupus, arthritis, cancer and even heart disease.

Lack of co-factors causes cravings. Our body craves for missing nutrients. Cravings keep on until our body gets what it's looking for or becomes exhausted from looking. When we eat junk food like sugar, white bread, white rice, most pasta, or other refined food like corn oil and soybean our body has to scrounge for co-factors. If none are available it steals them from bones, organs, muscles and other tissue. This happens so that at least our body can use junk food for fuel. This puts off death, but not forever and not for very long.

If you are like me and are tired of the battles over eating veggies and tired of spending money on veggies just to have them rot in the fridge there is help.

Now my family is on the road to better health, and we still don't eat enough fruits and veggies. I invite you to check out the new Pop-A-Green and it's twin Pop-A-Purple. These are fruits and veggies in capsules for people who know nutrition matters and are very important for good health. This is a whole food supplement, no fillers or fiber, no sweeteners, nothing artificial or synthetic, just fruits, veggies, herbs and enzymes. You might be thinking fiber is a good thing and you're right but not in your supplement. Here's why, fiber in a supplement takes the place of real nutrients, it's filler when used in supplements. If you need to take fiber take it alone, not as part of your supplement. This way you get the most from both. The Pop-A-Purple and Pop-A-Green were created so we could pop a pill to help make up for our sins of nutrition omission...No one eats perfect, even the Pops creators.

Robin Plan
Staying Alive - Uptown Naturals

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