
Thursday, May 1, 2008


FDA warns Merck to fix vaccine plant problems (AP)

The Merck and Company Pharmaceutical and Services building in Duluth, Georgia, July 8, 2002. (Tami Chappell/Reuters)AP - The Food and Drug Administration has ordered Merck & Co. buy wholesale nutritional powder grape seed pe correct numerous manufacturing deficiencies at its main vaccine plant, the latest in a string of setbacks for the drugmaker.

Many owners are asking about genetic coverage in pet insurance plans specifically do these insurers cover genetic conditions.

While some pet plans cover hospitalization, diagnostic tests, Surgery, Cancer treatment, dental treatment and prescription medications, some do cover alternative treatments such as hydrotherapy and chiropractic adjustments.

We come to the subject of Genetics these days buy wholesale CoQ10 enzyme all the studies that are done on genes, it has now affected how insurers view the " predisposition factor" in their policies. Different plans are rated for their annual limits such as $ 8,000.oo for one plan,

$ 12,000.00 for another but take into consideration your deductible portion or co-insurance portions that glycine nutritional powder pay for each claim.

Costs of Dog Disease Treatments:

Various costs going to a veterinarian for conditions such Parovirus for a Pit Bull can run up to $ 9,500.00, or Ear Infections at around $ 5,000.00 for a poodle. We can all agree these costs are astronomical to an average family. A broken leg can cost for a Golden Retriever up to $ 4,000.00. Not to mention illness from bacteria, food poisoning, or diseases from our environment such as asthma. The cost on insurance on these health concerns increases for the type of coverage you seek, and it depends on your breed, and what coverage you can get from insurers. If you are seeking dog health insurance which includes genetic coverage you must include the wording that will cover genetic coverage in the plan you want to chose.

Genetic Conditions:

The definition of a genetic disorder or condition is a condition that is caused by abnormalities in genes at birth. Genetic defects may also griffonia seed 5-htp htp inherited by parents so you can see the need for buying a dog where you can actually see the parents and get a medial report from their veterinarian.

Some insurance companies will not cover you for " genetic, or hereditary" conditions and chronic or ongoing conditions in my dog health research.

But you can have an ongoing condition which is not genetically based so you can see its all up to how your insurance company interprets these terms. It is generally all in the fine print, and there are ways to deny payment for a claim by the use of these broadly interpreted terms. Your veterinarian can get a firm approval before any treatment begins much like dentists do with dental insurance.

Unfortunately Insurance companies in my dog health research do not always have iron clad agreements in writing policies and many people have been left with no coverage at all and this is because some diseases fall into several categories.

Genetic conditions are generally what the dog is born with by its breed type for instance large dog breeds such as German Shepard's or Great Danes are susceptible to hip dysphasia which is a "Hereditary Disease" that is it is inherited at birth. An English Cocker Spaniel is susceptible to Familial Nephropathy which is evident at six months to the first two years of life and shuts down the kidneys.

If your dog health plan does not cover " hereditary diseases" you would have a hard time convincing your insurer that you did not know this and if you read the fine print it may not be covered for any claims associated with this disease.

Genetic Conditions in Labrador Retrievers:

This most popular breed has a whole host of genetic conditions such as: Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia, Developmental Bone and Joint Disease, Hepatitis, Heart valve buy wholesale gamma aminobutyric acid Dysplasia, and others. AAKG shipping for canada and australia does not mean your dog will get these diseases it just means your dog may be prone or predisposed to develop these particular pet illnesses.

Insurance Tips:

1) Get a policy with a yearly limit not lifetime limits.

2) True Life insurance is for the life time of the pet which is best.

3)Your deductible should be a dollar not a percentage of the claim.

4) Watch for clauses on hereditary, genetic, pre-existing conditions on your contract before you enter into a binding agreement.

5) Negotiate each plan with each insurance company -nothing is written in stone.

Many pet owners who are starting their own high yield savings Account for such costs and save for the future just in case which is what insurance is all about, just in case.

Whether you choose a pet health insurance plan or a savings plan the reason I created this site is to promote prevention. You can prevent sickness and diseases that will help your pet be healthier and live longer. Prevention will save you whopping sums of money on your veterinarian bills during the lifetime of your dog.

Teri Salvador is a freelance writer with a site primarily on dog health issues that offers frequently updated articles on natural remedies, pet product reviews and current articles on pet foods. You will read it first on even before CNN gets around to covering the story. Visit:


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